Blood Free Episode 6
Ju Ji-Hoon, Han Hyo-Joo (Photo Credit: Disney Plus Korea)

Blood Free Episode 6 Recap & Spoilers: Han Hyo-Joo Reveals BF Group’s Secret to Ju Ji-Hoon

Blood Free aired episode 6 on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 4 p.m. KST on Disney Plus. The series’ storyline centers around BF Group and its CEO, Yoon Ja-Yoo (Han Hyo-Joo), who dominates the genetically engineered cultured meat market. However, to safeguard herself from the opposition from people inside the company and protesters outside, she hires an army officer-turned-bodyguard, Woon Chae-Woon (Ju Ji-Hoon).

Episode 6 of Blood Free saw CEO Yoon Ja-Yoo explain the basis of founding BF Group. In the previous episode, Chae-Woon grew furious over the fact that Ja-Yoo and the team experimented on him, accusing them of making money by selling human organs. However, Ja-Yoo not only wanted to break the food chain and end the slaughter culture, but she also wanted to make humans live long without pain, which she was motivated to do so after seeing her twin sister’s suffering.

Blood Free episode 6: Ju Ji-Hoon encounters a major tragedy

Blood Free episode 6 began with a disagreement between Woon Chae-Woon and fellow bodyguard Ho-Seung, who felt that the former had a cold attitude. Later, the BF team, including Ja-Yoo, On San, Seo Hui, and Hong Sae-Ip, gathered to discuss Chae-Woon’s successful operation. During a private conversation with Sae-Ip, Ja-Yoo found out about the late Kim Shin-Gu attending a counseling gathering for people who have lost their loved ones to cancer. Ja-Yoo further found out about Shin-Gu’s gradual hatred towards the place.

Meanwhile, Jung Hae-Dun spoke to Hong Sae-Ip and found out that the basement was purely used for medical practice. On the other hand, Ja-Yoo asked Seo Hui to track Shin-Gu’s whereabouts concerning the gathering and sent it to Ho-Seung. While talking about the sensor suits for her bodyguards, Ja-Yoo asked Seo Hui to hand both suits to one of her bodyguards.

Chae-Woon returned to BF Group to resume his job as the bodyguard. Ja-Yoo asked him to get an address from Seo Hui, where Shin-Gu had gone for the gathering. On arrival, Ho-Seung was also looking at the censor suits.

The two bodyguards took their suits while Chae-Woon took the address from Seo-Hui. The address belonged to a man named Park Sang-Min. Ho-Seung didn’t like his attitude, and they got into a physical fight. Later, the two resolved their misunderstandings and worked together. They also apologized to Ja-Yoo for their behavior as the three stepped out.

Ja-Yoo went to meet Prime Minister Seon Woo-Jae, who invited her to his vacation house. In the meantime, Chae-Woon went to meet former President Lee Mun-Gyu. Ja-Yoo discussed her cultured meat products with Woo-Jae, and they talked about the recent attack on her. Ja-Yoo noted that the timing of the gang’s attack was impactful. Just when people thought she had poisoned Shin-Gu, the gang made the shooting happen. This would have people think Ja-Yoo arranged it herself as a distraction.

On the other hand, Chae-Woon disguised himself as a doctor to visit Mun-Gyu. He enquired about the process behind selecting him as a bodyguard, indicating Woo-Jae’s involvement in the same. Furthermore, Chae-Woon expressed the possibility that the ransomware attack and Shin-Gu’s subsequent death happened only for him to enter the company.

Meanwhile, Woo-Jae’s father, Seon Woo-Geun, slammed his son for inviting Ja-Yoo over. He thought that Woo-Jae might be interested in pursuing her. At night, Ja-Yoo sensed an impending danger, thinking someone had broken into Chae-Woon’s house, where she sought safety. However, it turned out to be Chae-Woon. The two talked about overcoming trauma when Chae-Woon revealed that On San told him why Ja-Yoo established BF Group.

Apparently, Shin-Gu took On San and Ja-Yoo for an epidemiological survey, during which they witnessed pigs being slaughtered. Ja-Yoo left university and returned after two years with a mission to create the perfect dominant species. She aimed to break free from the food chain to become perfect, which became the start of BF. However, Ja-Yoo revealed another reason for her to establish the company.

Ja-Yoo’s sister suffered from Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), also known as mad cow disease for humans. After her sister passed away, the government refused to acknowledge that the disease caused her death. Instead, people began to start rumors. Ja-Yoo regretted not being able to save her sister, replace her organs, or bury her to give her new flesh instead of creating her. Ja-Yoo aimed to have humans live long by giving them new organs and helping them live without pain.

While Chae-Woon thanked Ja-Yoo for saving his life. she expressed gratitude to him for keeping her safe. He thought about his imprisoned comrade before leaving to find Park Sang-Min and fellow bodyguard Ho-Seung. The two bodyguards pretended to be related to Shin-Gu and wanted to find Park Sang-Min’s address at the counseling center.

When they visited Park Sang-Min’s address, they didn’t find him there. However, Chae-Woon saw a black car, which he realized was the same car he saw the day Ja-Yoo moved into his house. The duo eventually followed Park Sang-Min. Eventually, Ho-Seung caught hold of Sang-Min, and the two fought.

Ho-Seung removed his censor bodysuit to fight Sang-Min while Chae-Woon looked for them. In the end, Sang-Min stabbed Ho-Seung and ran away. When Chae-Woon found Ho-Seung, the latter passed away. The police, who had been following the bodyguards’ car, arrested Chae-Woon on suspicions of murdering Ho-Seung.

To watch what happens next, tune in to Blood Free next Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at 4 p.m. KST on Disney Plus.

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